Paid miscarriage leave
Westminster Hall debate
On Tuesday 8 March 2022, Angela Crawley MP led a Westminster Hall debate on paid miscarriage leave.
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Read the transcript on Hansard
Introducing the topic, she gave the following statement:
"One in four pregnancies end in miscarriage so this is an important opportunity to focus on how differences in support are impacting people in my constituency and right across the country.
"Miscarriage is not an illness, it is a loss that can be traumatic for expectant parents and has a negative impact on their mental and physical health.
"Currently, parents are entitled to two weeks of paid bereavement leave for a stillbirth after 24 weeks of pregnancy while parents who experience miscarriage before 24 weeks have to rely on existing statutory leave entitlements*.
"It is important to work with the UK Government to deliver leave and pay for the parents who experience miscarriage at any stage of pregnancy."
*For more information, see: Statutory Parental Bereavement Pay and Leave (

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Baby Loss Awareness Week
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Photo credit: UK Parliament / Jessica Taylor