Vaping among under-18s
Westminster Hall debate

On Tuesday 2 May 2023, Dr Neil Hudson MP led a Westminster Hall debate on vaping among under-18s.
Summarising the debate, he gave the following statement:
"Vaping can be an important tool to help adults quit harmful tobacco smoking for good, but it should not come at the expense of creating nicotine addiction in our young people.
"From heart, gum and lung problems to potentially disrupted sleeping patterns and disrupted education*, I was pleased to secure this Westminster Hall debate as a crucial opportunity to raise the effects that vaping may be having on our under-18s.
"Selling vaping products to our under-18s is currently illegal, and while I welcome steps are being taken to crack down on those who sell to under-18s, tackling a failure in any market requires looking at both demand and supply.
"I firmly believe we need to tackle practices in the vaping market that may be making it attractive to our under-18s, from bright and colourful packaging to appealing flavours like bubblegum, melon and cherry ice, all advertised on the social media platforms our young people use."
* For a summary of evidence on the effects of vaping, please see:

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How Parliament works: Westminster Hall debates.
Parliamentary resources

House of Lords Library
Relevant research:
- Vaping among teens: A growing trend? (July 2022)
House of Commons Library
Relevant research:
- The regulation of e-cigarettes (January 2022)
- Environmental impact of disposable vapes (November 2022)
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Photo credit: UK Parliament / Jessica Taylor